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5 Pack of Gurkha Factum Presidente Cigars

Remember 'Need a Penny, Take a Penny, Have a Penny, Give a Penny'? Too bad that crap doesn't work with cigars. I mean, why can't we all just share a spare, am I right? Well don't hold your smokey breath because it ain't gonna happen. We afficianados are STINGY when it comes to stogies! A 5 pack of Gurkha Factums should remedy this heartbreaking situation. You know it's one of your top 10 favorites and no one is going to offer you their prize possession, so you're better off buying your own - in a multipack. Accept it and move on. And who knows, maybe your buddy will come up asking YOU and you have 4 left and then you have the beautiful opportunity to START this incredible tradition and Pay It Forward! You always have been an AMAZING and GENEROUS soul. Plus he was your best man. And then there WAS that time that he helped you install a new toilet, and then he did introduce you to his girlfriend's cheerleading team, and then he IS your brother, and then, and then...and then he woke up. Tough Toranos. Get your OWN Gurkha sticks, dude. Box is not included with this item
Price: 25.99
